Robert X. Modica has been teaching acting for over 50 years.  He is one of the few remaining teachers who co-taught with Sanford Meisner at The Neighborhood Playhouse and AMDA.  He has been teaching privately in his Carnegie Hall studio since 1966. In his 50 years of teaching, Robert X. Modica has been helping students to develop their talent by guiding them to discover and express themselves in personal, meaningful, and imaginative ways.  His teaching is based on the premise that one cannot realize the truth of the character without first knowing what is is like to "live and behave from the Gold of one's own Truth."  This is what all art springs from.  The definition of acting that he works from, handed down by Sanford Meisner, is "Acting is the ability to live and behave truthfully under imaginary circumstances."Mr. Modica's commitment to truth within the work is as unwavering as his belief in and respect for the uniqueness of each individual actor.  His deep passion for teaching comes from being part of a process. "The journey of hard work and self-discovery that carries each student on a voyage through the uniqueness of themselves as human beings to their destination... the actual realization of their imagination, humanity, instincts and talent."  This is Robert X. Modica's life's work. Mr. Modica welcomes all levels of students into his classes.  If you have always felt a calling to act but were nervous about taking that first step, he encourages you to enter into the work, which will lead to your growth as the actor you want to be, need to be, dream yourself to be. 

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  July 30, 1931-March 14, 2015
Theater Arts Experience at a Glance
  • 1957 to 1964:  Speech and Drama teacher at Grover Cleveland High School
  • 1960:  Acting, training, and teaching under Sanford Meisner
  • Off and on until 1988:  Co-teaching under Sanford Meisner at AMDA and The Neighborhood Playhouse
  • 1966 to the present:  Private classes at Carnegie Hall